
Global Missions

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. - Matthew 28:19

Latin America

Jason & Abby Torgeson


As regional connectors for Latin America, Jason and Abby are responsible for directing the work of Global Strategy missionaries and projects in Latin America and for working in partnership with the leadership of CIID (Confraternidad Interamericana de la Iglesia de Dios), the body of leaders from across the Church of God.


A shared love of serving in missions brought Jason and Abby together a few years ago when their persistent matchmaking friend Harry Nachtigall, a North American serving the Church of God in Costa Rica, introduced them from afar.

Jason grew up in a military family and has lived in several different states and countries. After serving in the air force, he settled in Bellingham, Washington, where he earned a degree in human services at Western Washington University and dedicated himself to serving his community through social work, law enforcement, and programs with at-risk youth. Jason also served as the missions and outreach director at Cornwall Church, a position that allowed him to live out his passion for leading mission teams and connecting with churches around the world.

Abby was raised as a Church of God pastor’s kid and attended several churches across the country during her formative years. She earned a degree in psychology and Spanish from the University of Alabama and a master’s in intercultural services from the Anderson University School of Theology before serving as a missionary for three years in Bogotá, Colombia. Abby was ordained in 2013, the year she returned from Colombia and married Jason.

Abby and Jason are excited to have the opportunity to work and raise their three children in the region that has played such a critical role in their individual calls to missions as well as in the formation of their relationship.


Pastor Ioney Black
Pastor Ioney Black

Missionary in Jamaica


This will include information regarding their mission

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